2020 A to Z Challenge!
W is for Woodpecker!
Hairy Woodpecker
Information and Photo credit link
The larger of two look alikes, the Hairy Woodpecker is a small but
powerful bird that forages along trunks and main branches of large
trees. It wields a much longer bill than the Downy Woodpecker's almost
thornlike bill. Hairy Woodpeckers have a somewhat soldierly look, with
their erect, straight-backed posture on tree trunks and their cleanly
striped heads. Look for them at backyard suet or sunflower feeders, and
listen for them whinnying from woodlots, parks, and forests.
Downy Woodpecker
Information and Photo credit link.
If you go to this LINK
You will see our own personal experience
with a California Acorn Woodpecker.
These woodpeckers were my favorite
as they were so communal with each
other and "talked" back and forth.
Have a lovely day!
If you go to this LINK
You will see our own personal experience
with a California Acorn Woodpecker.
These woodpeckers were my favorite
as they were so communal with each
other and "talked" back and forth.
Have a lovely day!
I love these guys. Mostly we get downies, but every once in a while a hairy. They are so handsome!
ReplyDeleteBlack and White (Words and Pictures)
Woodpeckers are amazing, but we are not entertained when we are trying to sleep and they peck on the woodburning stove pipe to make the bugs run out from under the flashing. Sounds like a machine gun going off on the roof above us!
ReplyDeleteWho looked at that bird and thought 'I'm gonna name this hairy woodpecker'? :D Hairy?
ReplyDeleteI love woodpeckers. I once watched one trying to peck an aluminum street sign...
The Multicolored Diary
I hear woodpeckers now and again in my cedar trees. Hopefully just to attract a mate or let other woodpeckers know "this is my tree!" I don't want to think they found insects in the bark!
ReplyDeleteI love to hear them rat-a-tatting in the trees!
ReplyDeleteW is for ...
This bird was lucky to come into your home, you rescued him well. Cute bird!
ReplyDeleteW is for Women
Peck peck peck away!
ReplyDeleteW is for Weak
I get both of these critters and other woodpeckers as well at the suet cage. I love listening to their calls -- but I don't like them rat-ta-tat-tatting on my wood siding!
ReplyDeleteWow! this is Amazing! Do you know your hidden name meaning ? Scratch here to find your hidden name meaning …████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I got my ex back to me. with the help of Dr Okeke spell I had read some review about Dr.okeke how he help people restore there marriage or relationship before i contact him he said he will help me bring my husband back to me I never wanted to believe him because of what I went through of those fake people who claims to be a spell caster but i didn't know that all those stuff I read about Dr okeke were so real and accurate until i got my ex back, after Dr okeke asking for my picture and my husband picture After getting my ex back i taught it wise to share my testimony and the good work of Dr okeke with every one on this website I know most people will not believe this testimony because of those fake people online who claims to be a spell caster well am telling the world now there are still real and truthful spell caster and Dr okeke is one of the best and true spell caster contact Dr okeke today your problem will be solved Dr okeke is real and truthful spell caster that rebuild any broken relationship or marriage with love spell. Do feel free to Contact Dr okeke via email:( writelovespell@gmail.com.) or chat him lives on is WhatsApp (+2348140443360) he the solution to your problem and predicament