Monday, April 13, 2020

Tuesday April 14, 2020 L is for Lark!

2020 A to Z Challenge !
L is for the Horned Lark ! 

Look carefully at a bare, brown field, especially in winter, and you may be surprised to see it crawling with little brown shapes. When they turn, you may see a neat yellow face, black mask, and tiny black “horns” waving in the breeze. Horned Larks are widespread songbirds of fields, deserts, and tundra, where they forage for seeds and insects, and sing a high, tinkling song. Though they are still common, they have undergone a sharp decline in the last half-century.  
Horned Larks are small birds that live in large, empty fields—and they’re roughly the same color and size as a clod of dirt. To find them, look for the barest ground around and scan the ground carefully, watching for movement or for the birds to turn their black-and-yellow faces toward you. Also watch the air above open country for flocks of smaller birds flying in dense aggregations (sometimes numbering well into the hundreds, particularly in winter). From late winter into summer, listen for the high-pitched, thin, tinkling song, often given in flight display over suitable open habitats.
To hear and learn more go to this link
Don't forget to have a lovely day!
PS Today is a special day.
It's our 30th anniversary
and it's been an absolute Lark!
Nothing better than being married
to your best friend! Cheers!



  1. I've never seen a lark, but they show up so frequently in poetry that I feel I know them. =)
    Congratulations on the anniversary, and may you have many happy returns of the day.
    Black and White (Words and Pictures)

  2. Congratulations on 30th Wedding Anniversary! I will follow that link so I know lark song if I hear it :)

  3. Such pretty faces. Happy Anniversary!

  4. Congratulations! I am not familiar with this bird. I looked it up and see my area on the map of the Audubon Field Guide is one of the only places it doesn't even migrate through! Nearly the entire US, but not me!

  5. First things first - Happy Anniversary! What a funny little bird!

    L is for ...

  6. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Seems like a cute tiny bird!

    L is for Liar,Liar
